Andrea McCoy Andrea McCoy

Episode 24: A Dose of Good News

 I don't know about you, but the news in the world is overwhelming, scary and uncertain. With Trump's inhumane deportations in the south to the anti-immigrant rhetoric in Canada, there's only so much negative news that we can listen to. 

That's why it's time for some good news! In this engaging and uplifting and solo episode, Andrea will explore the remarkable journeys of immigrants in Canada who are carving out their new lives with resilience, determination and creativity.

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Andrea McCoy Andrea McCoy

Episode 22: When Canada Isn’t That Into You

Universities are losing money. Some are closing. With IRCC rolling the dice in their cuts to international students, the impact has only just begun. Because Hostion and I came to Canada as international students, we feel the weight of this topic deeply  and that's why we have to talk about it.

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Andrea McCoy Andrea McCoy

Episode 11: In The Face Of A Bully

On November 5th, Donald J. Trump was re-elected to the presidential seat for the United States. His platform is built on the dehumanization of immigrants and promises to deport masses of people, is no joke. We know he lies, but when he spouts out racism and hate, we know he is serious about following through.

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Andrea McCoy Andrea McCoy

Episode 10: No, Trudeau, This Won’t Work

Like sticking a band-aid on a broken bone, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau slapped a large band-aid on a broken issue. On October 24th, Trudeau cut Canada immigration levels by 20%. Does this have anything to do with the increase in anti-immigrant rhetoric coming from Canadian racism and the “Reclaiming Canada” movement? Yes. And it was the wrong move.

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Andrea McCoy Andrea McCoy

Episode 3: Pathway to Permanent Rejection

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) recently established a new policy for international students wherein their post-graduate work permits will not be renewed starting in 2024. Students who have created communities, established jobs and started families will need to return to their countries of origin. The impact will be devastating in this ecosystem we call 'Canada'.

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Andrea McCoy Andrea McCoy

Episode 1: Defining Us

How do you define yourself? Is it based on where you originated from? Your ancestors? Your race? In a colonial system, why must we have to defend who we are? Isn’t how we self-identify enough?

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