Episode 11: In The Face Of A Bully

On November 5th, Donald J. Trump was re-elected to the presidential seat for the United States. His platform built on the dehumanization of immigrants and promises to deport masses of people, is no joke. We know he lies, but when he spouts out racism and hate, we know he tells his honest truth.

In this episode, a close friend and fellow immigrant to Canada from the States will join me, Andrea, to discuss the consequences of the bully that will be reinstalled in the global superpower in the south. We will explore the rising fears and anxieties among immigrants and the lack of accountability we already see in Canada’s leadership when it comes to immigrant, migrant and human rights for the Global Majority.

We’ll discuss Trump's proposed policies, including his plan to detain immigrants in camps and deporting refugees back to dangerous countries, drawing parallels with historical atrocities from the Japanese internment camps to the concentration camps of Germany. We call for advocacy, community support, and political engagement - because the bully is not going to go away.

We need to determine if we will stand up or stand by. We hope Canada will do the latter.


Episode 12: My Culture In Their Cubicle


Episode 10: No, Trudeau, This Won’t Work