Episode 36: I’m Proud to Be A . . .

Consider Hostion. Born and raised in China with a strong nationalist culture, government and hierarchy. Then consider Andrea. Born and raised in the United States with a relentless patriotism embedded in family, school, church and even sports games. With two very different and yet similar experiences of national identity, Hostion and Andrea wrestle with what healthy pride of one's country actually looks like.

As immigrants, we are always trying to navigate the spaces we live and the places we've been. How we see Canada is greatly shaped by where we came from. For immigrants, it's the hyphen in-between: that little dash that says who we are first and where we build belonging, second. It's weird. It's messy. Is it patriotism and pride? Who knows.


Episode 37: We Dance. We Resist.


Episode 35: Kanata