Episode 30: Politics - Collective Choices for Collective Voices

Politics. Most of us will shy away from it, stay unengaged and ignore the noise. It's complicated, confusing and it's completely different than what we're used to in our heritage countries. After all, it doesn’t really affect us . . .right? Well, maybe not.

Hostion, Andrea and returning guest from Belgium, Niels, will discuss the complexities that we, as immigrants, face living in Canada and how cultural identity impacts our decision to vote or to be engaged in politics. They’ll share about the vulnerability that most of us feel when first arriving in Canada and how the idea of citizenship for voting rights is complicated.  They’ll discuss how immigrants and immigration policies are mostly at the mercy of those who can vote, with their future and livelihoods at the hands of those who are unattached to the immigrant experience. And they’ll share their perspective on what we can do as immigrants to engage in politics or civic engagement, even without citizenship - because every voice deserves to be heard in Canada's nation of immigrants.


Episode 31: My Language Makes Canada


Episode 29: Parenting With My Child’s Culture